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Why Choose Us?

Near Me Canberra Possum Removal is a renowned and well-established pest control company offering premium quality services. There are plenty of features that make us your best choice:

Bed bugs spread rapidly all around the house, once they find their way to your home through a shopping bag or luggage. If you want everyone to stay safe from these harmful pests, you can schedule bed bug treatment services in Perth.

We work 7 days a week and ensure that all the clients get the best results with our one-time treatment. Bookings can be done via a few taps of keys on your phone. If you need help related to service bookings, feel free to call us!

Affordable Price

24*7 Customer Booking

High Quality Standards

Same Day Services

Our Possum Removal Process

At, Near Me Canberra Possum Removal we follow the standard four-step process for eliminating possums from your property. We safely remove the possum and coordinate with the wildlife department for smooth dead possum removal Canberra.


As soon as we receive your request for possum removal, our team of experts arrives at your location for the inspection of the property. Our inspection includes identification of possum type, their nesting spot, level of infestation and damage done to the property.

Possum Catching or Removal

Possums can be either alive or dead inside a property. Based on the condition of the possum, we formulate our action plan. If possums need to be caught, we use traps made from mesh wires and place them at possum entrance points. However, in the case of dead possums, we proceed with carcass removal. All our process adheres to government norms.

Possum Relocation

We follow the law and after catching the possum alive, our experts release them in the woods from where they have arrived or release them within 50 meters of the location where they were found.


After relocating the possum, we seal the property to ensure these rodents never return. We install barriers and guide residents to follow tips for keeping possums away by sealing off their property and keeping an eye on signs of possum infestation.

If you are looking for a professional possum removal company make sure to rely on us for budget-friendly possum pest control Canberra.

Types of Possums

Possums are commonly spotted throughout Australia. There are over 27 species of possums found in the country, and these are a few commonly spotted:


Common Bushtail possum


Stripped Possum


Long-tailed pygmy possum


Eastern pygmy possum


Western pygmy possum


Ringtail possum

These possums are spotted in residential and suburbs of Australia. Possums are known for wreaking havoc and spreading diseases, therefore, you should not think twice before availing possum pest control Canberra!

Signs of Possum Infestation

Possums live in hiding but they often leave signs of their presence. And, these are a few signs that indicate you have possum infestation:
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Damage to Property

Your property’s exterior may appear damaged if there are possums around. Broken shingles, scratch marks, damaged gutter, ripped rooftops and so on indicate the presence of possum.

Disappearing pet food

if your pet’s food keeps on disappearing it is a sign of possum infestation at your property.

Weird Noises

Possum releases hissing, lip-smacking and squeaking sounds. If you can hear rodent vocalization at night get your property inspected for possums.

Unpleasant Smell

Possum droppings are larger than rats and release a strong odour. Moreover, possums have their odour which can stink up your entire house.

Scratching Sound

The noise made by possums at night is louder than that of rats and mice. They aggressively scratch hard surfaces which produce noise and cause property damage.

How Much Does Possum Removal Cost Canberra?

The cost of a possum removal service is not determined by just one factor, numerous variables need to be considered. Possum can be removed in different ways, while some methods are easier some are difficult and expensive. Our possum removal charges include the number of holes we need to block.

So, when you need instant possum removal, make sure to rely on experts for the job. We assure 100% guaranteed customer satisfaction to both residential and commercial clients!

Tips to Keep Possums Away!

Possums are attracted to human houses, because of the abundance of food, water and warmth. These are the tips you should follow to keep possum away:

Seal Entry Points

Possums enter your property through openings like windows, chimney holes and wall gaps and by climbing trees. Make sure to seal these entry points and cut off trees and branches that are closer to your property.

Keep Distance

Avoid growing vegetation closer to your property. Maintain at least 1 meter of distance from your property when growing vegetables and fruits.

Use Electronic Methods

Motion lighting, sprinkler or reflector works best in scaring possums.

Grow Possum Repellants

possum dislikes the strong smell of garlic, clove and cinnamon and so on. Growing or keeping these ingredients helps in keeping possum away.

Difference between Possum and Rats

Why is Possum Removal Important?

Possums are not dangerous just troublesome for humans. Here are some reasons why availing possum removal Canberra is important:

Wreak Havoc

Possums taking shelter inside your property are likely to wreak havoc inside. They can chew away from your stored assets, walls, furniture and so on.

Spread Diseases

Possum carries dangerous parasites and spreads diseases. They can easily contaminate your food and living area.

Damage to garden

Gardens with vegetables and fruits are favourite places of possums. They love being closer to their food source and can easily destroy your garden.

Trouble to Pets

Possum consumes pet food and water. They can easily transmit diseases to your pets as well.
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possum droppings and their bodies have a strong pungent smell. This odour can be sensed throughout your property.
water extraction experts

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Possum Control Canberra

Possums can cause a lot of nuisance on your property. As these species are protected by the Australian Wildlife Conservation Act, 2014 harming or killing possums is illegal.

Relying on a licensed possum catcher Canberra is the best way of getting rid of possums from your property. Just call us for all your possum related issues!

Services we Offer

  • List Icon Possum removal
  • List Icon Flea control
  • List Icon Ant control
  • List Icon Wasp removal
  • List Icon Cockroach control
  • List Icon Spider control
  • List Icon Bee control
  • List Icon Silverfish control
  • List Icon Rodent control
  • List Icon Bed bug control

create a healthy, safe environment around you

Call us today on 0257610766 or use our online form to explain the Possum Control issues at your property. We will provide you with an obligation-free quote and a seamless treatment services.


At, Near Me Canberra Possum Removal we offer complete pest control and possum removal services at an affordable cost. Our cost estimate includes a lot of factors like infestation level, treatment procedure, the time required and so on. We offer an upfront estimate after a thorough inspection of the property.

Possums can be prevented from entering a property by following some tips like sealing the potential entry points, storing food properly, growing vegetation that possums dislike and so on. Further, avail possum control services once or twice a year to assuring better safety at home.

Yes. Possum is a protected species under Australia’s conservation act. This means the killing of possums is illegal in the country and carries severe penalties. Therefore, it is best to rely on licensed experts for dead possum removal Canberra.

It is best to rely on a professional possum catcher Canberra for relocation of possum found at your property. These rodents can be difficult to handle if you don’t have experience. Let the experts do the job to ensure your safety!

No. We don’t use poisonous chemicals for possum elimination or removal. As possum are protected species we only relocated them. In the case of a dead possum, we dispose of the carcass properly following the standard process.

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